Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

We celebrated Patrick's 26th birthday yesterday! Fortunately, he had the day off of work, so he got to finally relax a little since he's been so consumed with work and school lately. He spent the morning at home with Noah while Kaden went to preschool, and I took care of some things at the church.

On the way home from preschool, Kaden asked me what we got Daddy for his birthday. I told him but also told him that we had to keep it secret! Well, he did a great job of doing that and made it through lunch and naptime without spilling the beans. After naptime we ate cake and let daddy open his present. As soon as we finished eating cake and started to make our way into the den, Kaden said, "Daddy, come open your three shirts!" It was absolutely the most adorable thing ever :) Patrick pretended that he didn't hear him and acted very surprised when he opened his 3 shirts!

We enjoyed dinner at Olive Garden and then came home, did bath and bedtime, and then Patrick got to pick what we watched on TV! Usually Monday night is one of the nights I hog the TV, but I was nice this time :) It was a very relaxing day where we got to celebrate another year with the most wonderful husband and daddy that God could have blessed us with. Enjoy the pictures from our day!

Like father, like son

My healthy boy preferred string cheese to the cake

Kaden was a big fan of the cake!

It is next to impossible for me to get a picture of them all looking at the camera, much less smiling!

The boys love checking out what color the horse is on all of Patrick's Polo shirts

Noah had to peek at the horse too

Kenny McKinley 1987-2010

Yesterday, we received the tragic news that former Gamecock wide receiver Kenny McKinley took his own life at his home in Colorado. He was signed on with the Denver Broncos at the time. This news came as a complete and total shock to Gamecocks and Broncos everywhere. McKinley was truly one of the most memorable Gamecock players of all time. Not only did he have a natural talent for the game, he had a million dollar smile that lit up the stadium.

I, along with most of my Gamecock friends, am taking this really hard! It seems weird that I would be so upset over the death of someone I don't technically "know," but I had so much respect for McKinley. For awhile there, it seemed like every time you turned around there was a Gamecock player in the headlines as a result of doing something bad, but McKinley always represented the Gamecocks in a GOOD way! I loved when the news channel chose to interview him because he was such an eloquent and intelligent person. He made me proud to be a Gamecock fan.

McKinley's death is also a hard pill for me to swallow because it brings back so many memories of when my sister died. Her death, like McKinley's, was a total shock. Nobody saw it coming. I have learned the hard way that you just never truly know what someone is going through. McKinley seemed to have so much going for him, but apparently he was tortured on the inside from something we just don't know. I feel for his family, friends, and all the Gamecock and Bronco fans that fell in love with his talent and his character.

If you have a minute, whether you are someone who prays regularly or not, please PRAY for the McKinley family! They need support now more than ever before, and I think out of respect for Kenny, we should all take a moment and just PRAY for comfort, strength, and peace for his family. Rest in peace, Kenny... you were and still are truly loved by many. You will always be my favorite Gamecock.

Dear God, please wrap your arms around the family and friends of Kenny McKinley today and in the days to come. Give them strength, comfort, and peace to know that you are with them always. Help them to lean on you and turn to you during this nightmare they are living. Thank you, God, for giving them 23 years with him in which they were able to build memories that they can hold onto forever. Please help all of us remember and honor the legacy that McKinley left behind - of his skills on the football field and of that awesome smile and heart that he shared with people everywhere. Thank you, God, for giving so many of us the opportunity to get to know and watch such an incredible person. Amen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Preschool 2010

Today was a very important day in the Todd house. It was Kaden's first day of preschool for this year! We have had a great summer, but I think everyone was ready for a change of pace :) Kaden is still going to preschool at our church, and this year he is in Mrs. Shaver and Mrs. Gina's class.

Last year, if you can remember, we suffered three weeks of Kaden crying ALL DAY at preschool. Oh what a difference a year makes! This year he was ready to go! While we ate breakfast this morning he kept making sure that I realized that Noah and I were supposed to come home during preschool. We took some pictures at home of him in his "first day of school" clothes and we were off!

Once we got to preschool Kaden walked right into his classroom, hung his backpack up on the hook with his name, and sat down to begin coloring a picture of teddy bear. There were no tears (him or me!) and he was perfectly happy to be there! I know some parents might feel a little rejected when their child doesn't seem to care if they are there or not, but I love it! Not only does it make my life a little easier, it also makes me feel like I've raised a confident, secure little boy who knows that his mama is going to be back for him AND that he knows I would never leave him someplace if it was not good for him.

I was excited to pick him up today, and he had a great day! When he got in the car he told me, "I had so much fun! It was EVERYTHING!" I'm not totally sure what that last part meant, but I'm just going to assume that preschool is awesome and that it's EVERYTHING he dreamed it would be! I love my preschooler :)

Labor Day 2010

We had a busy, yet fun Labor Day weekend this year! Saturday we went to the Chapin Area Firefighter Appreciation Day. We went last year and Kaden really enjoyed it, so we decided to go again. They have firetrucks and an ambulance the kids can get on, and they have a bouncy house. They also have hot dogs and snow-cones and lots of other things that make it fun for kids. I was really glad we got to go again.

We had a great Labor Day as well. Fortunately, Patrick was off of work, so we were able to attend the Chapin Labor Day parade. Kaden had only been once before, and this was Noah's first time, so we were very excited! We got there early enough to park at the church and found a great spot to set up camp and watch the parade. Kaden did all right during the parade but had a major melt-down when he lost the balloon he was given by one of the politicians who came by. That pretty much ruined it for him! Noah, however, was a natural. He caught on very quickly that when a big truck or car comes by, 9 times out of 10 they are going to throw candy! Both boys ended up with large bags of candy, koozies, and other goodies. Afterward, we grabbed some chicken from our church's chicken sale and went home to rest!

After naptime we headed over to my mom's house where we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for supper. Kimbo and B-bo were there, so we got to enjoy time with the whole family. The boys and I sat back and watched the rest of the family play a game of basketball. It was pretty entertaining :) I am so happy that Patrick had the day off (and didn't have any homework to do) so that we were able to do so much fun stuff. We hope you all had a great Labor Day as well!

Firefighter Appreciation Day Pictures

Labor Day Parade Pictures

Mom and Dad's House - Labor Day