Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

We really enjoyed our Easter holiday this year. Saturday, we took the boys to the Easter egg hunt at the church. This was Noah's first time hunting for eggs, and he was so funny to watch! Rather than putting the eggs in his basket, he would pick them up and throw them! After throwing the eggs for awhile, he would walk around with one in each hand. I think toward the end of the hunt we finally got him to put some eggs in his basket, but he wasn't too sure that's where he wanted them. Kaden was an expert egg-hunter at this hunt and got right to business. I think he had more eggs in his basket than anyone and even gave Noah some at the end because he had too many.

Sunday, we all woke up to find that we had been visited by the Easter bunny! The boys thoroughly enjoyed getting to eat candy for breakfast and then we got dressed in our Sunday best and went to church for the Easter service. We rarely go to church these days because the boys just have a really hard time sitting still for that long, and church-time usually coincides with naptime for Noah. Both boys did really well at this service, though, so I was a proud mama! After church, we went to Grandaddy John's house (or, GrandJohn, as Kaden calls him) for lunch with the family. It was delicious, as usual, and the boys enjoyed ANOTHER egg hunt. Noah did better this time and understood that he was supposed to find the eggs, and Kaden racked up once again and found lots of eggs filled with candy and money :) I love holidays and spending them with my family and hope to raise our boys in a way that will encourage them to enjoy their family and spending time with them. From our family to yours, we hope you had a blessed Easter and a happy Spring!

Getting ready for the Church egg hunt

A very happy Kaden with his Easter basket

Noah checking out this big ol' basket

Trying to get a good picture of the boys before church

My handsome fellas :)

Daddy helping Noah at GrandJohn's egg hunt

Kaden hunting for eggs at GrandJohn's house