Hi Everyone! I apologize for not doing a "real" update in a long time. We have all been sick with different things and then just busy gearing up for Christmas!
On Thursday we took the boys to Riverbanks Zoo for their Lights Before Christmas event. We haven't been since Kaden's first Christmas in 2007 and decided that, since we have a zoo membership (that allows us a free visit to the lights), we would use it!
I think we chose the coldest night of the year so far to go! When we got to the zoo at 6p.m. it was already close to freezing outside. Thankfully, the boys don't mind being bundled up, and I'm pretty sure I was the only one who whined about being cold while we were there :) When we first arrived, we let the boys go see Santa. Kaden was a little apprehensive at first but shook off the nerves and hopped right on Santa's lap. You could tell that he was so excited to be telling Santa what he wants for Christmas! Noah, on the other hand, liked Santa from a distance. He would wave to Santa, but he didn't want to sit on his lap. Finally, before we left, Noah let me carry him up to Santa and he was able to tell Santa that he wants a "twain" and a "COW!" for Christmas :)
Other than seeing Santa, the Lights at the Zoo really just involves walking around and looking at all the light displays. They had an awesome Christmas tree that must have had a million lights on it... it was beautiful to watch. We also LOVED the train light display (of course) and my my personal favorite was the butterfly garden display. The aquarium building was open, so we did get to see a few animals. Really, though, this visit was about the lights, so the boys weren't too disappointed that they didn't see all their favorites.
This was just the first of many exciting activities we have planned over the next few weeks! Make sure to check back because next week we will attend Kaden's preschool Christmas program and the annual gingerbread house party at my aunt's house. Take care, and enjoy the pictures!
Posing by the tree before we leave for the zoo

Kaden and Santa :)

Kaden and Noah by the one of the huge Christmas trees

The boys posing by the train display

Noah posing with my favorite butterfly display - Kaden was done with pictures by this point!

The boys mailing their Christmas lists to Santa before we went home :)