I have some very good news to share! Patrick got a new job as a Wound Care nurse at Richland. He will be on a more "normal" work schedule working Monday thru Friday 9-5. Once he's been there awhile he will be able to scoot his hours around and work 8-4 or 8:30-4:30. It is going to be SO nice having him home and awake on the weekends! I cannot tell you how excited I am to no longer be on the "night shift" by myself with two little ones. I know it's going to be a huge change having him go from working two nights a week to five days a week, but the pros far outweigh the cons. Please pray for us as we go through this transition!
Kaden and Noah are doing great! Kaden is just talking up a storm now! It is amazing how much his speech has developed over the past three months. Recently, he has started seeing an Early Interventionist from Epworth Early Intervention Center, and she is fantastic. Kaden really enjoys the time they spend together, and I can tell his speech is making a lot of progress as a result of their visits. He also received an evaluation from a Speech Therapist on Friday, so we are waiting to hear back about whether or not he will qualify for those services. I wasn't so sure that I wanted him to be getting "special services," but he has a blast with all the nice ladies who come to our house (and the fun toys they bring!), and the sessions really do seem to be making a positive impact!
Noah is growing so fast! He is really smiling a lot now and making the most adorable little noises when we talk to him. He has discovered his hands and loves to put them in his mouth. He still isn't sleeping through the night, but I'm used to getting up and feeding him. Kaden didn't sleep through the night until he started solid foods, so I'm expecting (and hoping) the same will happen with Noah. Noah is really getting some strong neck and back muscles! He is really good at holding up his head, and we have started putting him in the Bumbo baby chair that used to be Kaden's. Noah seems to enjoy spending time in it because it gives him a chance to look around and see what everyone is doing.
That's all I have time for, for now! I will try to post again in the next few weeks. Enjoy the photos!