I am truly sorry that it's been so long since my last post. It's just amazing how little time I have now that there are two kids in the houtse! Of course, I love being busy with them; it just makes it a little harder to do things like update my blog :) I took Noah for his two month checkup today. He is 11 lbs.14 oz. and 23 inches long, so he is a growing boy! He is so alert too! We set up his play gym tonight, and I can't wait for him to see it tomorrow. Hopefully it will keep him entertained during some of the few hours he is actually awake. Noah has also learned how to smile! I've caught him a few times on camera, and I'll post those pictures asap.
Kaden and Noah on Easter
Kaden hunting for eggs

Kaden is doing well too! He is really starting to talk now, and he keeps me and Patrick laughing. We were all a little concerned about his speech for awhile, but I think all he needed was a new baby in the house! Some of his new words are please and thanks, juice, paci, blocks, and "ready, set, go!" I just find it so hard to believe that he used to be a little baby because he is such a little boy now. Time flies so fast, but we are loving all the changes both Kaden and Noah make everyday.
Patrick and I are doing well. I recently got accepted to grad school but whether or not I go will depend on a potential job switch for Patrick. He is trying to get a daytime job at the hospital so he can be here on the weekends and not work nights. If he gets the job, he will work M-F 9-5 which will be awesome but means that grad school will have to wait. I'm fine with that; I love staying home with the boys and know that I have the rest of my life to work but only a few years to be home with my babies! I will post some pictures from the past month and I really will try to update at least every other week - no promises though!